No Fullness Without - brieflynotes

No Fullness Without

When a bird matures, it tries out its wings, and it begins to taste the joy of flight. At first, the experience may seem unnatural, but once the bird knows flight, it will never simply remain bound to earth. It will often come back to earth, for that is a part of its life, but its satisfaction will never be complete unless it soars into the wind. So it is with us. Once we taste the joy of knowing God through prayer and quiet, we will never be satisfied without it. We will often return to the busier aspects of our lives, our everyday activities, but we will never feel complete without the times of quiet communion with God. 

We discover that we need both of these experiences, activity and quiet, work and prayer, ordinary awareness and extraordinary awareness. We even discover that these two experiences enliven each other and that finally, they seem to become one. There is no fullness without flying, no completeness without expanded awareness of God. And there is no expanded awareness of God without quiet prayer.

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